INEP’s mission is to help kids establish life-long, healthy eating habits through fun and repeated exposure to a variety of foods.  Each lesson is designed for students to explore ways they can be healthy at home and at school.

Learn more on our What We Do page!

Nutrition Lessons (ECE – 5th Grade)

Our hands-on nutrition lessons have been developed and tested by teachers.

Lesson Ingredients:


Food preparation


Recipe tasting


Beautiful picture books


Take-home recipes in both English and Spanish


Tied to the Colorado Academic Standards

Click on the Lessons Dropdown Menu at the top to view any of our lessons by grade.

*Note: This project has been partially funded by USDA SNAP-Ed, by way of the University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. This material may be copied and utilized for non-profit educational purposes so long as they are distributed in their entirety without modification, with credit given to the Integrated Nutrition Education Program, University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, and the USDA SNAP-Ed program.

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Tips for Teaching INEP Lessons

“Every time you try something new your world gets a little bigger.”                                   - Josh Rifkin, Teacher


Allowing students the hands on opportunity to help cut and prepare new foods, increases their willingness to try new foods.


Children are more likely to try new foods when they have a safe, positive and fun experience working with food.


Learning to like new foods is a process.  Provide children with a small taste (1-2 bites) to start so as not to overwhelm them.  It may take a few times for them to feel comfortable trying new foods.


Never force kids to take a taste, instead have a “No, thank you rule” in your classroom.  Tasting a new recipe together as a class will naturally create positive peer pressure for hesitant students to try at least one bite.


Let children learn by having them cut up the fruits and vegetables, serve themselves, and assemble their own snacks.


Be a role model!  Taste the snacks enthusiastically and let children know you like to try new foods too.


Encourage children to talk to their families about the foods they are trying.  Send recipes home with students and remind them to show their family.


Make each lesson an opportunity to discuss with children ways they can be healthy. Help them come up with and voice their own plans and goals.  Remind them they have the power to make healthy choices.

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Read Our Newsletters

Our newsletters are sent home three times each school year.  These newsletters have lots of great information for your family!
 > Shares what the students are learning in the classrooms. ·        
 > Offers tips on how to make healthy choices together as a family. ·        
 > Fun, healthy, affordable recipes ideas. ·        
 > Available in both English and Spanish!

View Our Newsletters!
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Success Stories

If you are interested in learning more about the successes INEP has made in making students, families and schools healthier, please feel free to read some of our Success Stories!

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INEP’s Evaluation Results

Teachers who have used INEP lessons in their classrooms report that a majority of their students are:


More knowledgeable about nutrition


Able to make healthier meal or snack choices


More willing to try new foods


More willing to select fruits and vegetables in the lunchroom

Students are not the only ones who are impacted by the nutrition lessons.  Classroom teachers also report changes. This is important because teachers are significant role models for the students.
Our program conducts evaluation each year. Take a closer look at our latest
Evaluation Results for the 2013-2014 Year.

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“I love all the recipes because they are all
so easy for kids to do at home.”

“I think the kids favorite part of the lesson is helping with the cooking. They love the hands-on cooking part.”

“One thing I notice about the students is that they feel more confident. Cooking empowers the students
to realize they can do it themselves. ”

“In the lunch room, students will often remark
'Look - yummy vegetables!'“

“I use this time to have discussions about nutrition with my students. I relate it to our snacks and party foods. Now, students bring in bags of apples, yogurt parfaits, veggie trays, etc. because they want to share their fun treats.”

“I like the program because I can tie the nutrition lessons into science and social studies. We tie in the “Five Senses” lesson with the science curriculum, and the lessons encourage teamwork, getting along and manners, which are part of the social studies curriculum.”